
price per website, per month

** does not include upfront website cost

  • Static Website
  • 1 Adjustments
  • Email Support


price per website, per month

** does not include upfront website cost

  • Static Website
  • 5 Adjustments
  • Priority Email Support


price per website, per month

** does not include upfront website cost

  • Static or Dynamic Website
  • 10 Adjustments
  • Priority Email and Phone Support

Aurient Tech for Custom Websites

Aurient Tech supports a wide variety of websites to accomplish your needs, click the button for more information!

FeaturesTier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Website TypeStaticStaticStatic or Dynamic
Adjustments Per Month1510
Maximum Pages3510
Domain RangeOnly '.com' domains'.com' or '.net'Any Domain
SupportEmail OnlyPriority EmailPriority Email and Phone Support
Response Time3 - 5 Business Days1 - 3 Business DaysWithin 24 Business Hours